The Daylight Award Community
Mihkel Pajuste
Lighting Designer at Studio Mihkel Pajuste
Researcher at Aalborg University

What does daylight mean to you?
Daylight brings me joy. It gives form to matter around us and enables to experience it. It introduces a new scene every day. I see daylight as the ultimate resource and the subject of exploration.
How did your interest in the subject rise?
The origin of my interest for light roots back to photography. Firstly, exploring the effect of light and shadow on still-life objects and thereafter on the generic atmosphere of a scene. Later on, this interest transferred onto the field of lighting design and its effect on our physical and physiological well-being.
How do you work with daylight in your research?
At all times, regardless of the nature of a project, the impact of daylight is undeniable. It sets the scene. Working with lighting research, daylight can be the focus or often the most influential factor contributing to a setting.
Which project/publication describes your work the best?
The direction of my work can be seen as an exploration in both the field of daylight and electric lighting, often investigating the perceived atmosphere. For instance, developing dynamic electric lighting scenarios, dependant on the sky-types for a research project. Or within the creative field, creating a light artwork in urban context, imagined as sunset echoes on water. It is the multifaceted interest for art, architecture, and research, which reflects in all my projects.
According to you, what is the most important focus for the future?
For better built environment, I believe that the future focus relies on the synthesis of knowledge across the fields for creating well-designed luminous environments. There is a huge potential in exploring and designing daylighting in built environments in parallel with intelligent electric lighting. It is the division of these two, that should be rethought to create holistic luminous environments, where transitions between day and night, function and atmosphere can be achieved at new heights. I believe that the technology for smart systems managing daylight inflow and better spectral composition of electric lighting are just a few pricks in a puzzle, bringing it together for better built environment of tomorrow.

I find inspiration in experiencing the endless variations of sunlight and skylight. Often in the light’s change of colour, intensity, and directionality. Moreover, I am fascinated with great architecture, where emotional daylighting is achieved, capturing daylight inflow in a surprising manner.
“Dynamic lighting in office environments creating a natural flow of light” PLDC. 2019.
“Flow of light: balancing directionality and CCT in the office environment.” Leukos. 2020.
“Sunlight Qualities in Dwellings — A new computational analysis tool” eCAADe. 2020.
“A field experiment of double dynamic lighting in an office environment..” Indoor and Built Environment. 2021.